Department for Education
Gender Pay Gap
I joined the project during the GDS alpha stage. The goal of the project was to create a service that would allow employers with over 250 employees to report their gender pay gap data on an annual basis.
In my role as lead UX designer I defined the user journeys, designed the reporting tool prototype and worked closely with user researchers during the usability testing sessions with employers. Based on user testing we realised most employer needs were based around how they would calculate their data. So we worked closely with Gov to provide extensive guidance on company reporting.
In addition to the reporting tool, worked on and designed the gender pay gap data viewing service. This service displays the employer’s gender pay gap visually on the publicly accessible website. It’s primary goal is to allow influencers like the TUC, the media and equal opportunities groups the ability to scrutinise employers’ gender pay gap data and then go on to create a public conversation and discourse on this important subject.
We had the service assessed by GDS, and we successfully passed our assessment and the project went into beta.
Project details
Client Department for Education
Project Gender pay gap
Role UX designer
Date Oct 2016 – Mar 2017
Tools HTML prototyping